Type 2 Diabetes Melitus with uncontrolled sugars

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

Case presentation:

A 60 year old male patient who is a resident of Nalgonda and farmer by occupation came to the medicine OPD for regular follow up for Type 2 DM and complains of polyuria and increased sweating since 6months

History of present illness :

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6months back then he developed increased urine output and sweating since 6 months, tingling sensation of both upper limbs since 6months, blurring of vision since 6months

No h/o polydipsia, polyphagia

No h/o pain abdomen, vomitings,giddiness and decreased appetite 

No h/o fever, cough, chest pain,SOB

Past history :

K/c/o T2DM since 1 year on irregular medications

Not a k/c/o HTN, TB, Epilepsy, Asthma, CAD, thyroid abnormalities 

Personal history : 

diet is mixed with normal appetite and adequate sleep, increased frequency of micturition

Chronic alcoholic with daily consumption of 3-4 litres of Toddy since 40 years and occasional whisky consumption since 40years(90ml)

He consumes 1-2beedis daily since 40years 

General examination :

Patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative, moderately built and well nourished. 

Patient is afebrile, 

pulse-80 bpm with regular rate, rhythm and volume. 

Bp- 120/80mmHg recorded in right arm sitting position 


Systemic examination :


S1,S2 heard, no murmurs 


BAE present, normal vehicular breath sounds heard, no additional sounds were heard. 

Per Abdomen:

All quadrants moving equally with respiration, no scars, sinuses and engorged veins

On palpation abdomen is soft, non- tender  and no organomegaly


GCS 15/15


Investigations at admission 

Day 1


Day 4.                                                 
   Type 2 Diabetes mellitus with uncontrolled sugars 
1) IVF - NS @ 75ml/hr
2) Inj human actrapid insulin s/c acc to sliding scale. 
3) Tab metformin 500mg BD
4) Inj optineuron 1amp in 100ml NS IV BD
5) I/O charting
6) BP,  PR,  sPO2 monitoring 
7) GRBS monitoring 2nd hourly
8)Tab Sporolac DS TID
9) ORS 1sachet in 1litre water(200ml after each stool) 

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